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Reduced-Fare program terms and conditions of use

Updated Mar 19, 2025

These terms and conditions of use (the “Conditions of Use”) apply to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (“MTA”) Reduced-Fare Program participants who use a Reduced-Fare OMNY payment method to access the Eligible Transit Systems set forth herein (collectively, “you” and “your”). The Reduced-Fare Program is available to people 65 years of age and older and people with qualifying disabilities (the “Reduced-Fare Program”), and is managed by MTA New York City Transit Authority (“NYCT”).


  1. Reduced-Fare Program Payment Methods 

    a. RFOs. Reduced-Fare Program participants may pay their Reduced-Fare Program fare with either: (i) a Reduced-Fare OMNY Card (“RFO Card”), or (ii) a personal contactless payment method (such as credit/debit card, mobile wallet on a smartphone or wearable device) to which their Reduced-Fare Program benefit is linked (each, an “RFO”), not both.

    Example: If you link your Reduced-Fare benefit to a debit card in the mobile wallet of your smartphone, the physical RFO Card will not be usable with OMNY. In this scenario, you will only be able to use your smartphone to tap in the Eligible Transit Systems for a half-fare payment.

    The Reduced-Fare benefit can only be associated with a single, personal credit/debit card or smart device. Any other versions of the same underlying credit/debit card account used as an RFO will be blocked by the OMNY system.

    Example: If you link your Reduced-Fare benefit to a debit card in the mobile wallet of your smartphone, the physical version of that debit card will not be usable with OMNY. In this scenario, you will only be able to use your smartphone to tap in the Eligible Transit Systems for a half-fare payment.

    b. RFMs. Customers still in possession of a validly issued Reduced-Fare MetroCard (“RFM”) at the time they obtain an RFO may spend down the remaining balance on the RFM before it expires. An RFM expires on the date printed on the back of the MetroCard.

    If there is still a balance remaining when the RFM expires, you may return the expired RFM to MetroCard Customer Claims within two (2) years after the expiration date using the process for returning damaged cards as described below and request a refund of the remaining balance. The MTA will review refund requests on a case-by-case basis. If the refund is not requested within two (2) years after the RFM expiration date, the remaining value will be forfeited.

  2. Reduced-Fare Program Eligibility

    Eligibility for, and use of, an RFO and RFM are subject to all tariff provisions, rules and regulations of the MTA and its affiliates and subsidiaries, including NYCT, and the Eligible Transit Systems set forth herein.

  3. Sharing RFO and RFM is Strictly Prohibited

    An RFO or RFM may only be used by the Reduced-Fare Program participant to whom it was issued. Use of an RFO or an RFM by any person other than the Participant will result in suspension of the RFO or RFM and any remaining balance, and may result in civil and/or criminal penalties and termination of Reduced-Fare Program membership.

  4. Eligible Transit Systems

    Your RFO or RFM is accepted on the following transportation systems (the “Eligible Transit Systems”): (a) to pay the Reduced-Fare Program half fares on NYCT subways, NYCT and MTA Bus local buses, NYCT and MTA Bus express buses during non-peak hours (full fare applies during peak hours), Roosevelt Island Tram, Hudson Rail Link, and the Staten Island Railway; and (b) to pay the AirTrain JFK full fare at AirTrain JFK.

    An RFM may be used to pay the applicable reduced fares on Nassau Inter-County Express Bus (NICE) and Westchester Bee-Line local buses and express bus. If you have an RFO and use NICE or Westchester Bee-Line bus services, you can request an RFM from the MTA until OMNY is available on these services.

  5. Issues Using RFOs

    a. Reduced-Fare OMNY Card: If your RFO Card is not working, you should first confirm that the card is in an active state with sufficient fare to travel by: (a) tapping the card at an OMNY vending machine, (b) linking the card to a registered online OMNY Account, or (c) calling OMNY Customer Service for support at 877-789-6669.

    If your RFO Card is active with sufficient fare but is still not working, you may request a replacement in person at an NYCT Customer Service Center or at an MTA mobile sales vehicle. Visit mta.info/csc for locations and hours for NYCT Customer Service Centers, or visit mta.info/fares/mobile-sales for MTA mobile sales vehicle schedules.

    b. Personal Contactless Payment Method: If your Reduced-Fare Program benefit is linked to a personal contactless payment method and you believe this payment method is not working, you should first confirm that both the Reduced-Fare benefit and the personal contactless payment method are in an active state by: (a) linking the personal credit/debit card to a registered online OMNY Account, or (b) calling OMNY Customer Service for support at 877-789-6669.

    If you need to link your Reduced-Fare benefit to a different personal contactless payment method than what is currently linked, you may visit an NYCT Customer Service Center or an MTA mobile sales vehicle, or call OMNY Customer Service for support.

  6. Issues Using RFMs

    Prior to the expiration date of your RFM, if it is not working or is damaged, you may return it either by mail or in person at the NYCT Customer Service Center at 3 Stone Street in Lower Manhattan or at an MTA mobile sales vehicle. The MTA will review refund requests for RFMs that are not working or damaged and make its determination on a case-by-case basis.

    To return your RFM by mail, ask a station booth agent or bus operator for a prepaid RFM return envelope. In the envelope is a form you will need to complete describing the problem with your RFM.

    If you cannot obtain a prepaid RFM return envelope, you may return your RFM either by mail or in person:

    You can mail the RFM to MetroCard Customer Claims, 130 Livingston Street Brooklyn, New York 11201-9625. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number, your RFM that is damaged or does not work, and an explanation of the problem with your RFM.

    a. If you return your RFM by mail, you assume the risk of loss of your RFM if your RFM is not received by MetroCard Customer Claims.

    b. You can return your RFM in person by visiting the NYCT Customer Service Center at 3 Stone Street in Lower Manhattan or an MTA mobile sales vehicle.

  7. Lost or Stolen RFOs

    a. Reduced-Fare OMNY Card: If your RFO Card is either lost or stolen, you must visit an NYCT Customer Service Center or an MTA mobile sales vehicle to receive a replacement RFO Card. The balance on your lost or stolen RFO Card as of the moment you receive a replacement will be transferred to the replacement RFO Card.

    If a lost or stolen RFO Card is linked to a registered OMNY Account, you can suspend the lost or stolen RFO Card immediately so it cannot be used before a replacement RFO Card is issued to you by the MTA. To suspend any OMNY payment method, including an RFO Card, sign in to your OMNY Account and select “Suspend” from the “Manage” menu of the linked card, or call OMNY Customer Service to suspend the card.

    If a lost or stolen RFO Card is not linked to your OMNY Account, you can suspend the lost or stolen RFO Card immediately by calling OMNY Customer Service at 877-789-6669. The full RFO Card number will be needed to suspend the lost or stolen RFO Card over the phone.

    b. Personal Contactless Payment Method:

    i. Credit/Debit Card: If your debit card or credit card that was being used as your RFO is lost or stolen, you can suspend the lost or stolen card from the OMNY system through your OMNY Account or, if the card is linked to your OMNY Account, by calling OMNY Customer Service.

    When you receive a new debit or credit card that you want to use as your RFO, you can register the new debit or credit card by visiting an NYCT Customer Service Center or an MTA mobile sales vehicle.

    ii. Smartphone or Wearable Device: If the smartphone or wearable device that you used as your RFO is lost or stolen, you can have it suspended from the OMNY system through your OMNY Account or, if the card is linked to your OMNY Account, by calling OMNY Customer Service.

    When you obtain a new device that you want to use as your new RFO, if you are going to use the same underlying debit card or credit card that had been linked to the lost or stolen RFO, you will need to add that card to the mobile wallet of your new device. Then you can activate the new device as your RFO by tapping the device at an OMNY validator within the Eligible Transit Systems.

  8. Lost or Stolen RFMs

    You may report a lost or stolen RFM by calling 511 or 718-330-1234 between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. EST, or online at mta.info/fares/metrocard-help.

    If you obtained an RFO prior to the loss or theft of your RFM, you will not be sent a replacement RFM and should use your RFO. When reporting a lost or stolen RFM, you should indicate if you have registered for an RFO. The MTA will investigate claims of lost or stolen RFMs on a case-by-case basis.

  9. Change of Address

    Notices and replacement cards will be sent to you at the address you provided to the MTA. You may update your address by calling 511 or 718-330-1234.

  10. RFO Card and RFM Expiration Dates

    RFMs and RFO Cards expire on the date printed on the back of the card. As long as you actively use your card, NYCT automatically sends you a new RFO Card before the expiration date.

  11. Restrictions on Refunds

    There are no refunds of money remaining on RFO Cards. Money remaining on an expired card may only be transferred to a new card within two years after the expiration date. There are no transfers of balances from full fare to reduced fare. No redemptions or exchanges will be given for an RFO Card that has been altered or tampered with, or whose value cannot be verified.

  12. OMNY Online Terms

    By using an RFO with OMNY, you are subject to the OMNY Terms of Use and the OMNY Privacy Policy, which can be found at https://omny.info/terms-of-service and https://omny.info/privacy-policy, respectively. RFMs are subject to the MTA Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, which can be found at https://mta.info/terms-and-conditions and https://mta.info/privacy-policy, respectively.

  13. Disclaimer

    To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, in no event shall the MTA, its affiliates and subsidiaries, including NYCT, or Eligible Transit Systems be liable to you for any personal injury, property damage, lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, loss of data, loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction or any other form of direct or indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of, related to, or resulting from failures, disabling, or malfunctions of the MetroCard or of any RFM whether arising in tort (including negligence), contract, strict liability or otherwise.

  14. Reduced-Fare Program Additional Assistance

    For more information about RFMs or RFOs, call 511 or 718-330-1234 from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. EST. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, use the free 711 relay service or your preferred relay service provider to contact us. If applicable, have your RFO or RFM at hand so you can read the serial number and expiration date to the customer service agent who assists you. For additional information or assistance, you can also visit any NYCT Customer Service Center or an MTA mobile sales vehicle.