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Mail&Ride for LIRR and Metro-North

Updated Mar 19, 2025

About Mail&Ride

Mail & Ride offers subscribers the convenience of automatically receiving their monthly Long Island Rail Road or Metro-North ticket delivered directly to their mobile device.


Mail&Ride tickets can be accessed through the MTA TrainTime app. Tickets will appear in your ticket wallet around the 25th of the month or the first business day after the 25th.

Get help with your Mail&Ride account

Long Island Rail Road

For questions about your Mail&Ride account, you can call 511, or 718-217-LIRR (718-217-5477). Say "Long Island Rail Road," and then say "Mail and Ride" for Mail&Ride. Representatives are available to help Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Metro-North Railroad

You can file a refund claim online. 

For questions about your Mail&Ride account, you can call 511. (In Connecticut, call 877-690-5114; outside of New York or Connecticut, call 877-690-5116.) Say "Metro-North Railroad," and then say "Mail and Ride" for Mail&Ride. Representatives are available to help Monday-Friday from 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m.

You can also email us at mailride@mnr.org.