About the plan
In January 2023, the MTA released a strategic action plan to improve bicycle, pedestrian, and micromobility access across our network, including at subway and commuter rail stations, bus stops, and bridges. We will also work to integrate trip planning and payments with bike-sharing and micromobility services. This work will involve coordination with NYC DOT and regional stakeholders to improve the pedestrian and bicycle network surrounding MTA facilities.
The plan, Extending Transit’s Reach, is organized around five main strategies:
- Station Access and Mobility
- Multimodal Integration
- Safe Routes to Transit and Bridges
- Demand Management
- Policy, Program Administration, and Performance Management

Station Access and Mobility
The MTA will make it easier for our riders to access transit facilities by expanding bike parking, as well as improving bike and pedestrian access and wayfinding.
- We will partner with NYC DOT to install bike rack clusters at 37 subway stations that do not currently have bike parking within 100 feet of the station entrance
- We will install bike racks at 18 commuter rail stations throughout Metro-North and LIRR territories
Multimodal Integration
Seamless multimodal connections will make it easier and more convenient for MTA customers to use bikes or micromobility to access transit.
- We currently have front-of-bus bike racks on the S53, S93, Q50, and Bx23 (crossing the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, the Whitestone Bridge, and connecting Co-op City to the 6 train). We will add these racks to new routes: the S79 SBS, Q44 SBS, and M60 SBS, crossing the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, the Whitestone Bridge, and the RFK Bridge, respectively.
- We will continue to work with NYC DOT and regional stakeholders on new locations for shared micromobility, such as bike-share and scooter-share, near public transit.
Safe Routes to Transit and Bridges
The MTA's seven bridges serve as critical connections between boroughs. Our long-term goal is to provide safe, convenient access for cyclists and pedestrians on these bridges where possible. One bridge currently has a shared-use path, while three currently have pedestrian paths. Five of these bridges have bus routes providing interborough connections.
- In October 2022, we opened the shared-use path on the Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge to cyclists, pedestrians, and micromobility users.
- A shared-use path for the Henry Hudson Bridge is expected to be completed by 2024.
- We will construct three new ADA-compliant ramps on the RFK Bridge to connect Manhattan, the Bronx, and Queens, to be completed in 2025.
Demand Management
The MTA wants to encourage people to walk, bike, or use micromobility to access our network. This will help decrease reliance on cars and lower demand for parking facilities.
- The MTA Board adopted a First- and Last-Mile Policy in July 2022 that allows us to work directly with stakeholders on improving commuter rail station access via walking, biking, ride-sharing, or public transit
- We are partnering with 10 communities in Metro-North Railroad and LIRR territories on pilot programs to design first- and last-mile improvements at commuter rail stations, which can serve as models and help communities promote walking and biking as ways to access our stations
Policy, Program Administration, and Performance Management
The MTA will dedicate more resources to implementing these strategies and will organize new structures to coordinate this work systemwide as well as with external partners, such as NYC DOT and regional stakeholders.
- The MTA will expand its Transit-Oriented Development and Station Area Planning team with a coordinator role that will support the ongoing implementation of this plan’s strategies.
- We will convene an internal Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Micromobility Committee to meet regularly.
Each strategy is supported by specific actions that help achieve the vision and goals of the plan. Most of these actions are for the MTA to take, but some require the active participation of other partners. Any street-level improvements outside of MTA facilities, for example, fall under the purview of other government entities.

Next steps
We are always looking for ways to improve connectivity and integration between cyclists, pedestrians, and micromobility users and our transit network. Achieving the goals of this plan will require ongoing collaboration and coordination between MTA’s agencies, the Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee (PCAC), NYC DOT, our regional stakeholders, and with advocacy groups.
We also want to hear from you through our Public Comment Portal. Please use this portal to provide your feedback on where we should prioritize access improvements for bicycle, pedestrian, and micromobility users in the future.